Udgangspunktet for Trine Drivsholms glasobjekter er ofte genkendelige urformer som krukker, vaser eller andre beholder. Det er dog det æstetiske, som interesserer hende og ikke den oprindelige brugsfunktion. Trine Drivsholm har stor sans for at finde en perfekt afbalanceret form med næsten endegyldige proportioner og forene den med objekternes farve og overflade. Matte, silkeagtige overflader og sarte farvetoner understreger de bløde, bølgende organiske linjer. Andre gange fremhæves det taktile gennem ru overflader, der appellerer til berøring.
Af Curator Paula Rossini
Trine Drivsholm often uses recognizable forms such as vases, urns or other vessels as a starting point for her glass sculptures. It is, however, the aesthetic properties of the vessel that interests her most as opposed to its functional use. Trine Drivsholm has a great sense for finding a perfectly balanced shape with definitive proportions and combining it with the colour and surface of objects. Mat, silky surfaces and delicate tones emphasize the soft, wavy organic lines. While at other times, the tactile qualities are highlighted through rough surfaces, which appeal to the touch.
By Curator Paula Rossini
Trine Drivsholm
1990-91 International Glass Centre, England
1996 Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland
1996-98 Design School Kolding, DK
1997 Masterclass w. Baldwin&Guggisberg, Pilchuck, USA
Masterclass w. Lino Tagliapietra, Haystack, USA
1998 Opens “Møhl & Drivsholm Glas”, Ebeltoft, DK
2000 Masterclass w. Richard Marquis, Northlands, UK
1998 Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879
2004 Hempels Glaspris
2005 Silkeborg Kunstnerlegat
Selected exhibitions
2008 Trine Drivsholm, SOLO show, The Glassery, Sweden
2010 Collect, Flow Gallery, London, UK
2011 Danish Glass, Ernsting Stuftung, Germany
2012 Hot&Cool, Ebeltoft Glassmuseum, Denmark
2012 10 Danish Artists of Crafts, Kominka Museum & Nagano ,Japan
2013 10 Danish Artists of Crafts, Ishikawa Public Museum, Japan
2013 Nordic Contemporary Glass, The Glassfactory, Sweden
2014 Nordic Comtemporary Glass, Pera Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
2015 Variation in repetition, SOLO show ,The Glassery, Sweden
2016 Dansk Design nu, Designmuseum København, DK
2017/18 Scandinavian Glass – Starting all over; Sweden, Finland, Denmark
2018 Scandinavian Glass, Vessel Gallery, London, England
Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark
National Arts & Design Collection, Denmark
Design Museum, Denmark
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondhjem, Norway
Glasmuseum Hoogeveen, Holland
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Glasmuseum Lette, Germany
Racine Art Museum, Wisconsin, USA